Wow, three weeks in a row with a Tuesdays with Dorie recipe completed and posted!
This week, I was happy to do the recipe for a few reasons-
1. It was chosen by Flourchild, whose blog I try to keep up with (but apologize that I have not lately, but now that I'm back posting--I hope to follow through and be back READING other blogs as well!) She is one of about 4 'followers' I have for my blog...and I can't help but think she meant to bookmark someone else's--but I truly appreciate her willingness to "follow" me on this poor excuse of a blog!
2. It did not have chocolate. I wanted to know I could branch out and enjoy a cookie that did not involve chopping, melting, or otherwise using (let alone eating) chocolate
3. It would be three posts/recipes in as many weeks...after a very long "maternity leave" (if only my maternity leave at work was as long as the one I took from this baking club!)
So...I put the dough together over the weekend and baked the Monday night. I was so proud of myself to be baking something that seemed very much un-Lisa like. I must admit reading the recipe I had hesitation....honey...wheat germ (I mean really, "wheat germ" and "cookie" in the same breath?)

My expectations were varied. One minute I thought "why am I doing this recipe" and the next I would think "wow, what if this becomes a new favorite!"
And so I baked 2 dozen, froze the rest of the dough for a rainy day....
tried them....
and as it turns out....
I have not found a new favorite.
I promise I'll bring them to work so I can try them with some tea in the afternoon, and maybe their appeal will change. They are not bad, they just are not for me. I know many will like this recipe, and my hats off to them, and I wish my taste buds have evolved past the age of about 11, but when i comes to sweets, I don't think they have! (Case in point: I thought to myself how much the rolled out dough, once rolled in a bath of wheat germ look so much like small Dunkin Donuts Munchkins--the coconut ones! But that very well could be because I gave up all things Dunkin for lent and I tend to see munchkins and donuts now in everything I see (see: "Whatever it is I think I see becomes a Tootsie Roll to me")
So here's what I keep thinking...it's the whole letter of the law/spirit of the law routine. Are these a 'cookie' --sure, in that they are a round baked good, made with flour, sugar and other add-ins, and they can be eaten in 1-3 bites....but these fall short in that I'm not stealing tastes of the batter, nor thinking "wow, I can easily eat a whole cookie sheet of these" or "I better buy more milk." Am I glad I made them? Yes. Will I eat most of them? Of course, because really even a so-so cookie is still a cookie! And some day I'll circle back to the dough in the back of the freezer and give it another try and maybe feel differently.
Thanks, Michelle for picking this recipe!! It was fun to bake along with you and all the other folks once again this week!
I am seeing 3 Musketeer bars everywhere since giving them up for lent.
I would follow you too, but haven't seen the "follow" button on your posts???
Your cookies look great, even if you don't think they taste great. :)
Oh bummer, sorry these weren't a new favorite! As I was reading your post, I was just sure that would be the happy ending. But like you said, it's still a cookie, how bad can it be? David really loves these, so he'd be happy to take some off your hands! They look fantastic, maybe not "Munchkin" fantastic, but very, very good!
Believe me it was not an accident when I chose your blog to follow. You make me laugh and your a great blogger and baker!
Im glad you baked along with me even if the cookies weren't calling your name in the middle of the night;) tee-hee!
I'm sorry you didn't love them. I loved them. Maybe a little too much. I kept thinking of an excuse to make a cup of tea so I could have another cookie. Perfect tea cookie: the lemon and honey are already built right in! Yours look lovely.
"Even a so-so cookie is still a cookie"...so true! I added extra lemon and really liked them that way. And at least you tried!
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